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by Tom Walker

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Corporate Party Rule

Funny, I thought I voted for Barack Obama. So how did I end up with Bill Clinton? According to Ralph Nader, thirty one out of forty seven people that he has named so far for transition have ties to the Clinton Administration. So much for change. The media are falling all over themselves saying that this is a good and necessary thing. It's amazing how they scratch each others backs. And it turns out that far from raising the lions share of his campaign contributions from the little guy, the vast amount came from fat cats. Employees of Goldman Sachs gave more to Obama than workers of any other employer, imagine that. Doesn't anyone in America find it peculiar that so many ex Goldman Sachs bankers hold such exalted positions not just in America, but in the world? Josh Bolten runs the White House, Henry Paulson runs treasury, Robert Ruben, Obama's chief financial adviser, ran Clinton's Treasury. The bailout fund is being run by Neel Kashkari, and the World Bank is run by Robert Zoellick. All these men are former Sachs bankers. I am not saying that this is a conspiracy. It is however, business as usual.

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