This image is from Microsoft.
It's for a browser plugin called Silverlight.
Think of it as MS version of Flash Player
I use it though, because it represents how I see the $700 moviePod looking.
An Internet devise that's just short of a full fledged computer.Use it to surf the Internet, watch video's and movies. And then throw it on the couch. No keyboards, nothing to close.
It should be scratch proof and bounce when dropped. See my earlier posts.
Is this Tom from CBGB's ? Don't know if you remember me, but Iwas one of the sound guys there after I bugged Charlie and Norman to give me a shot. I was a good friend of Alison East's and worked with The Rudies and Alison's bands. Also was a friend of Jeff Miller's but don't hold that againsnt me. Anyway just wanted to connect to the past. Sorry to take up your time.
Michael: mixthis@msn.com
Tom, I can't belive someone from NYC and CBGB's recognized you on the net. Good going. This is heathcote. Write.
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