Remember when cable TV first took off?
Pete Townsend, and other celebrities used to pop up all day long and proclaim “ I want my MTV.” That commercial was everywhere back then.
I bring this up because I'm tempted to start screaming, I want my WiFi!
And why shouldn't I? I mean, where is it?
What is impeding the rapid deployment of city wide, WiFi networks?
EarthLink, it was reported two years ago, was partnering with Google to illuminate San Francisco.
Then, last August they mysteriously changed their mind. It isn't economical they say. How do they know this? I think they are being either disingenuous or incredibly short sighted. Or maybe both!
WiFi pop's up everywhere these days. Increasingly in buses, trains, and airplanes.
At McDonnell's and Denny's it's mostly free, at Boarders and Starbuck's you have to pay. If Boarder's should start to offer it for free, can Starbuck's afford to keep charging?
Have you taken the time to think about what it would mean if we had city's blanketed with fast, reliable and free WiFi networks? For one thing, high cell phone cost's would evaporate. VOIP calling would be simple and presumably the wave of the future. If this is true than CEO's up at IT&T and Verizon must be contemplating sixteen ways to commit suicide. Because Internet phone calling could kill the goose that lays the golden cell phone bill. And it's not just the phone company's that are in trouble. The cable company's stand to lose a great deal of business too. When you can use your computer to program your evening's television viewing, why would you need to pay uncle cable ninety nine dollars a month?
You can bet too, that these industries are breathing down the harry necks of your local congressperson, to stall and impede this change in any way possible.
The Internet and computers are changing everything. There will invariably be winners and loser's.
At this point in time , the record companies are looking a lot like losers. It's hard to feel sorry for these companies. Especially after the way they have been treating artists and fans.
But the lesson big business should be learning is you can't stop new technology.
It is a much better idea to adopt and be creative, than to stand in the way screaming "Pirates, Pirates".
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by Tom Walker
Thursday, April 17, 2008
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Memex Man is

- Tom Walker
- Who for years traveled the country in search of redemption but now resides in Heaven.
1 comment:
Hi Tommy!
Love your blogs!
The only problem I see with WiFi is that in congested areas, it tends to mess with other wireless configs to the extent that it cancels them out. A couple of summers ago, I set up a wireless network with my friend who lived across the street. Everytime some Mass-whole turist drove by in thier over-loaded Winibagos, I'd loose my signal and have to wait over 30 minutes to reprogram my wireless network. It sooo sucked. I'm just going to pull a "wait and see" before I get into the whole WiFi experience. Hopefully, more wireless network companies will invent some sort of router that will not be interupted by local WiFi users.
Keep on Rocking!
"Beware of sleeping dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup..."
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