Today's NY Times has an opinion piece by Thomas Schaller about The hopelessness of Senator Barack winning in the south. He says " Even if unprecedented numbers of black voters turn out to vote for him, the white vote will serve as a formidable counterbalance. Mr. Obama should not hope to capture states in the country’s most racially polarized region". Barack should not hope? I guess he doesn't know that Obama's biography was called The Audacity of Hope. Schaller states that even if 95 percent of the blacks vote for the Senator he will need to capture more whites than Kerry did.
95 percent? First of, it's going to be more like 99, or even 100 percent. Even Colin Powell is going to come out for him.
And second Sen Barack is going to win much more of the white vote than John Kerry. Was Kerry perceived as a rock star the way Obama is? No!
Did Kerry raise more money than any candidate in the history of America? No! Did Kerry bring in more young people to register for the first time? You get my point. Recent poll's show McCain and Obama neck in neck. I just don't see it. In CA Sen B. is 18 points ahead of the little POW. That, I think, is a correct poll. And a true predictor of what is to come in the fall.
Obama is making inroads everywhere. He is going to capture a significant portion of the Evangelicals. The first time a Democrat has done that since Jimmy Carter.
The reason Evangelicals and former Republican Secretary of State are deserting the party is over their shock and horror at what the boy President and his devious VP have done to America, and it's reputation in the world.
In the nineteen sixties Lyndon Johnson pushed civil rights down the throat of the south. Afterword Johnson said, "well we've just lost the south for a long time to come". That's not a direct quote, it's from memory. And of coarse, he was right. Ever since, for the Dem's to win, they have had to run a Southerner.
However now there is a new alignment coming. The Republicans are losing people by the droves.
The Spanish population for one, who once flirted with Spanish speaking Republicans like FL Governor Jeb Bush are horrified at the fence around America that politicians are promising to build. They are going to vote for Barack Obama, especially when his VP turns out to be the popular Gov. of New Mexico, Bill Richardson. You heard it hear first!
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by Tom Walker
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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Memex Man is

- Tom Walker
- Who for years traveled the country in search of redemption but now resides in Heaven.
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