I said the Republicans would get nasty and crazy, and that was before I knew who Sara Palin was.
Will John McCain go down in history as the man who lost the presidency and the Congress for the Republicans? Or will he be remembered more for introducing America’s newest pop-up politician, Governor Palin?
So what if she doesn’t read the New York Times and the Washington Post. She’s gone from Alaskan beauty queen to vice presidential nominee of a major political party, what have you done lately?
You might think that the folks who brought you Ronald Reagan and W. would love to get their hands on her strings, except that she’s already damaged goods. At first perceived as an inspired choice, she has become yet another albatross round the neck of the sinking prisoner of war. By the way, did anyone else think the “my fellow prisoners” slip was beyond the pall? Obviously many of his red meat fans are rabid, but is McCain himself a psycho? W. at times seemed particularly unhinged, and that didn’t keep him out of the family White House.
And as if this election weren’t exciting enough, we now find ourselves riveted to the global economic meltdown.
I find it suspicious that after eight years of refinancing the wealthiest Americans, the government is now pouring billions more into their banks and brokerage houses. Is there nothing that we won’t do for the people who own this country? And while the very wealthy retreat behind their compound gates, the Democrats are handed the Presidency and both houses of Congress. But what will they be able to accomplish with no money left?
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by Tom Walker
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Memex Man is

- Tom Walker
- Who for years traveled the country in search of redemption but now resides in Heaven.
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