On Sunday the NY Times wondered if we were quagmired in Afghanistan . Gee, ya think? The last time Afghanistan was invaded by a foreign power, the Soviet Union, the war lasted ten years. It was during this time that the ever helpful CIA financed and trained Osama Bin Laden to counter Soviet aggression. Ha ha.
If the Soviets couldn't subdue the country in ten years, what makes the rocket scientists at the Pentagon think they can do better? They have forgotten Viet Nam already? No lessons learned from history? You can invade a country, even take it over, but you cannot win in the long run.
If Canada and Mexico joined forces and took over America would we aqueous, or would we wage guerrilla war forever?
In Afghanistan you can occupy the city's, but the country side is another story. The mountains, caves, and rugged terrain make it easy for rebels to fight and hide. And Opium, a crop grown there for thousands of years, will always provide financing. But if you read between the lines of the Times story you hear the stirrings of a new plan of action. Here is Colin Powell "Afghanistan, on the other hand, is still basically a tribal society, a lot of corruption; drugs are going to destroy that country if something isn't done about it."
For an influential black man to worry that drugs are going to destroy another country is precious, isn't it? But catch the undertone there that something needs to be done.
And in the same article Madame Hillary says, Afghanistan is a "narco-state". That's also fresh, but again, the beating of the drums has begun.
And if the 'surge' worked so well in Iraq, then 30,000, 60,000, or maybe 100,000 more American boys and girls will surly do the trick in Afghanistan. Here we go again, get Lyndon Johnson and Dick Nixon on the phone.
For the war boys, pulling troops out of Iraq isn't so hard to bare, because they get to move them some where else on the game board.
And because of the rescission, military enlistment is way up. A silver lining if there ever was one.
We like to think that the President of the United States calls the shots but it's not really true. If it were true why would a smart, nice man like Obama, let a vampire like Bob Gates stay in charge of the war department? If the President truly cared about humanity why would he allow America to bankrupt itself playing Empire?
We want to think we are a Christian nation, but we are the modern Roman Empire. It must make god sick to his stomach to hear W say he is a Christian. He was a Caesar, and Caesar's don't turn the other cheek. And I have news for ya-all, Obama is Caesar the 44th.
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by Tom Walker
Monday, January 26, 2009
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Memex Man is

- Tom Walker
- Who for years traveled the country in search of redemption but now resides in Heaven.
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